Mary Mart

High Times in Tacoma? Keep it Legal with Our Visitor’s Guide

marijuana laws in Tacoma

Welcome to Weed-Friendly Washington!

People have always flocked to Washington for the greenery: Roughly 50% of our beautiful state is covered in pristine forestlands, hosting hikers, climbers, and outdoor enthusiasts of every kind. But as you may have suspected, we’re talking about a different kind of greenery today: The sort that’s been bringing excited visitors here since 2012, when cannabis was decriminalized in Washington State. We’re thrilled that you’ve come to enjoy the forward-thinking legal climate here! And we want to be sure you’re aware of all applicable marijuana laws in Tacoma, so that you can you have a pleasant, stress-free, and fully legal experience here in our beloved city.

Marijuana Laws in Tacoma

As you’re likely well aware, cannabis remains illegal on the Federal level. But barring massive changes in drug-enforcement policy, you needn’t worry about the Feds ruining your day here in Washington State.

As for local law-enforcement, you’ll be on solid ground as long as you observe some basic guidelines:

Adults Only, Please:

Just as with alcohol, cannabis can only be purchased and/or consumed by those 21 and over

No Smoking Means No Smoking:

You cannot smoke (or vape) cannabis anywhere in which smoking tobacco is prohibited. This includes:

When in doubt, just ask. As always, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Sharing Is Caring:

Originally, the state’s cannabis laws prohibited sharing any marijuana whatsoever. Now, anyone of legal age can “deliver” to another adult up to one-half ounce of flower, eight ounces of infused solid edible, 36 ounces of infused liquid, or three and one-half grams of concentrates, as long as they don’t charge money. But if you intend to “deliver” in public, you must keep your consumables in their original store packaging.

Keep It Local:

Whatever cannabis you purchase here cannot leave the state, even to another cannabis-legal state such as Oregon. That said….

Guests Are Welcome:

Any person of legal age—regardless of their state of residence—can legally purchase cannabis here

What Happens If I’m Caught Smoking in the Wrong Place?

If local or state law enforcement officials catch you smoking, vaping or otherwise consuming marijuana (such as edibles) in one of the many places it’s illegal to do so, you’ll most likely be cited and have to pay a fine, as per current marijuana laws in Tacoma.

If this infraction occurs on Federal land—such as a national park—the penalty can be more serious, including losing one’s driver’s license and performing community service.

So by all means, be aware of the legal landscape before you imbibe. Our state regulations are a work in progress, and we’d love to see the list of prohibited areas shrink. But as long as you follow the state laws on marijuana, we’re sure you’re going to have a—dare we say—highly enjoyable time in Tacoma or wherever else in Washington you visit.

When you visit, we trust you know where to stop first for unbeatable deals on all types of marijuana in Tacoma!

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